Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, BRAIN FOOD:⠀ What do you feed | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

What do you feed your brain?⠀
Did you know we have about 60,000 thoughts a day? ⠀
To make things super simple, if more than half of those thoughts are negative, guess how you will feel? #crap⠀
Vice versa, if more than half of those thoughts are positive and optimistic, then VOILA, you will feel good.⠀ You have the power to change your thoughts, feeling and beliefs. So feed your mind healthful, nourishing “food,” and it will grow strong and uplifting. However, if you restrict it to a regular diet of mental “junk food,” your mind will become unhealthy, negative, and unproductive. ⠀

Your mind will return to you what you put into it. ⠀
Feed your mind a balanced, nourishing diet. ⠀
Study information from a variety of fields, do things that make you feel good and limit the intake of gossip, comparison and hurtful information on the news. This way you give yourself the best possible chance of success and longterm fulfilment.⠀ My 15 Step Magical Mentoring Program is launching in a month with more great insights like this.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, BRAIN FOOD:⠀
What do you feed

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