Whitney Cummings, Instagram photo, Life got overwhelming and frustrating | Latest Whitney Cummings’s Instagram Picture

Life got overwhelming and frustrating today and I cried. My first thought was “so much for an Instagram pic today” which is a very twisted inner monologue that I’d like to rewrite. Social media can exacerbate my perfectionism so I thought I’d boycott my self defeating thoughts and post a pic of a rough day. And you can tell I’m brain washed because i managed to do duck mouth for the photo. We can’t possibly always be happy all the time even though we pretend to be on social media. My goal is to stop comparing my lows to people’s Instagram feed highs, and maybe by posting this, help encourage other people to share their hard times as well on social media so we aren’t only bombarded with photos that make us feel jealous or less than. We got this you guys. #honestgram #cryitout

Whitney Cummings, Instagram photo, Life got overwhelming and frustrating

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