Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Heading home after a beautiful | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Heading home after a beautiful weekend away. Feeling so ready to get back into it again after really stopping these part few days.
Getting away from your standard routine and “to-do’s” does wonders for your soul, and for me, puts everything in perspective.
I know I mentioned only a few days ago (but saying it again anyway) It’s so important to take care of YOURSELF. To learn to really value your health and mental attitude and become aware of your own personal triggers so you can proactively restore your spirit.
Grinding away and pushing isn’t the way to create HOLISTIC SUCCESS. Yes it might make you wealthy, yes it might make you popular, but what’s are you sacrificing in order to achieve that? Are you sacrificing your healthy, your mental happiness, your relationships?
Know that you can create happiness, peace, love, money and freedom through taking care of yourself and filling up your own tank. If your tank is empty, what do you have to offer anyone else? When your tank is overflowing with joy, love and gratitude it creates a ripple effect to all who come in contact with you.

So grateful for the life I live, the abundant health I have, the loving relationships around me and most of all the freedom I have created within

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Heading home after a beautiful