Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Spending the night in, relaxing | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Spending the night in, relaxing before a big week ahead.
Its been a interesting week to say the least. Full of emotions (ups and downs) and an overwhelming feeling of not being satisfied with where my life is currently at.

An interesting time to feel this way considering I#039;ve just launched my business – but I#039;ve never been one for settling, plateauing or being content with mediocrity.
I know some of you might say that I should already feel satisfied with what I have achieved in the pool, I#039;ve just always known there is more to me than that.
I have such gratitude for my life experiences and lessons learnt to date and now I feel ready to share what I#039;ve learnt.

Nothing fills me up more than deeply connecting with people, sharing my insights and being a positive impact in others lives … which is why I so value being able to share my honest, authentic self on here with you.

In times like this I have to remind myself that#039;s it#039;s ok to experience contrast and hard times, because it forces me to ask better questions of myself. Nurturing myself and doing things that make me feel good are of the upmost importance right now, so it#039;s an early night for me.

Sweet dreams my loves may you have a blessed week ahead.