Ani Yudhoyono, Instagram photo, SBY menerima gelar Doctor of | Latest Ani Yudhoyono’s Instagram Picture

SBY menerima gelar Doctor of Economics (Honoris Causa) dari Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia, 24 Oktober 2017. Alhamdulillah gelar HC ini yang ke-13 diterimanya. Dalam pidatonya, SBY menekankan pentingnya pembangunan ekonomi, pengembangan demokrasi dan pelestarian lingkungan (sustainable growth with equity).

SBY received Doctor of Economics from Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia, 24 October 2017. Alhamdulillah this is the 13th of his honoris causa. In his speech, SBY highlighted the importance of economic development, democracy and environmental preservation (sustainable growth with equity).

Ani Yudhoyono, Instagram photo, SBY menerima gelar Doctor of