Bianca Cheah, Instagram photo, Someone asked me the other | Latest Bianca Cheah’s Instagram Picture

Someone asked me the other day what gear I travel with. Well, it very much depends on the subject, the style and the location. Last week we were in Whistler, Canada, so we were shooting a lot of landscape and yoga portraits. My go-to's were the 24-75 lens & the drone for those breathtaking aerials you see on my IG. But something that's always in my camera bag is my @lacie_tech #rugged drive. I am like onto my 8th & I'll be completely honest with you…I'm like a massive data hoarder, so it's a must-have with the amount of data I produce daily. But curious…do u guys ever worry about the future of our data storage?

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Bianca Cheah, Instagram photo, Someone asked me the other