Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Today, social media has really | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Today, social media has really got to me and made me pretty agitated.

I see girls on instagram posting, what I would call inappropriate photos, yet somehow receive so much attention.
Kudos to those girls who have made a brand, money and fame out of positioning themselves that way.
It just makes me questions what our society perceives and honours as successful, and what message that is sending to young girls.

My hope is that those young girls don’t look at that and feel as though they have to be like that in order to be “cool, accepted, popular & fit-in”
I want for young girls to know that it’s more important to love yourself and feel supported & secure from within and that you don’t need to receive this love from external gratifications like lots of likes & followers.

It is my purpose and intention here on social media, and in all that I do, to help people see that light in themselves. To share my thoughts, struggles, wisdom & advice in order to help others grow, learn and feel support on their own journey in life.

Sending you all love & light

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Today, social media has really